Thursday, July 26, 2012

Under the Rock

Hi everyone,

This week has been intense, yo! Monday morning came and I got this email from the boss that completely changed my plan. Just like that, all the things I wanted to do for this week went out of the window so I could concentrate on doing this one task and one task only. I felt like being back in grad school writing my thesis. So stressful!

I know I promised to write about my trip to Shu Uemura counter this week. But right now, I can't! I have to move it to next week because that post deserves a decent write-up.

Now, I'm leaving you here with some food picture as a consolation prize. Please don't be mad at me!

Lotus stem salad 
Vietnamese spring rolls :9
This picture makes me drool!
Prawn crackers!!!
 Here are some food pictures I took while I visited China last year. I forgot to blog about my trip to China at all! Maybe I'll do that in another day.

(L) Steamed buns; (R) Congees
My first day in China. We stayed 1 night in Dong Guang and left early to go to Guangzhou
Breakfast buffet bar.
Apparently, Chinese people eat a hearty breakfast. The first day I was there, I could not eat a lot but then I got used to it.
People in the same tour with me.
Can you spot the bacon?
In Beijing
Those are not real food. They are keychains with miniature bowls of soups.
Each cost $1 I think.
Still in Beijing
Peking duck!
This is a very spicy chicken dish. My table gobbled it down in less than 5 minutes!
In Hanzhou
Beggar's chicken
It's chicken cooked in a bag. Very moist and delicious!
Trout from the famous West Lake
Su Dongpo's pork
It tasted pretty much like Vietnamese caramelized pork to me.
 Back to Vietnam, precisely my birthday from last year :)

I love noodle this dish: it's a combination of a lot of things and you put coconut milk and sauce on top before you eat.
The bowl in the front is shredded pork, btw :)
Shrimps and steamed fish cake
(Back): Longans, lychees; (front): langsat
That's all for now, folks! I hope you enjoyed the pictures. I'll be back next week with some makeup reviews and stories :)

Dao xoxo

P.S: Please show your support by following my blog and subscribing to my feed. Thanks a lot!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Summer Eyes + Beautiful Blogger Award

Hi everyone,

Summer is here and it comes with heat, rain, and humidity. This only means one thing: your makeup is going to melt! Nowadays, I keep my makeup to a bare minimum yet the products I use are hardcore enough to stand up against the heat.

I've always wanted to do an editorial style spread for my blog but I did not know how. Thankfully, Polyvore came to a rescue and here is my first spread. I hope you'll enjoy!

Untitled #1

My picks:

  1. Make Up For Ever Aqua Liner: came in a sleuth of colors, MUFE Aqua Liner is relatively new to the makeup scene, yet its staying power is quite astounding. I swatched the black eye liner at MUFE counter, walked around the mall, came back home, ate a meal and the swatch was still on my hand. Removing it, however, was quite easy. All I needed was soap and water.
  2. L'Oreal Voluminous Carbon Black Waterproof mascara: I have tried so, so, so many mascaras. Yet, the only brand that keeps me coming back is L'Oreal Voluminous. Their Carbon Black version is the darkest and thickest volumizing mascara I have ever seen from the drugstore side. And the waterproof property is quite astounding: you can sleep with this stuff on your lashes and it won't smudge on you. One pointer, though: use only 2 coats because 3 coats will make your lashes droop down like a sad doll.
  3. Shu Uemura eyelash curler: you can get a more expensive eyelash curler but you won't get one as good in this price point. The Shu Uemura eyelash curler reached cult status so many moons ago that I don't even delve into the details. To me and many beauty enthusiasts out there, this is a must-have, period.
  4. MAC paint pots: these are life-changing products to me. During the summer, I don't use a lot of eye shadows so a little bit of paint pots here and there would do. I especially love Bare Study and Rubenesque. They give enough pearlescent to my eyes without being too thick or blingy.
  5. Make Up Forever Aqua Cream in Turquoise: nothing says "summer!" like turquoise and nothing screams "waterproof!" like MUFE Aqua Cream. I currently have a big crush on MUFE waterproof products. Not only are they sweat-proof and waterproof, they are also beautiful. The Aqua Creams are multi-functional: you can use them anywhere on your face and body, although a few colors are only specific for certain areas on your face.
Beautiful Blogger Award

Last week, Jordan from Jordy's Beauty Spot nominated me for the "Beautiful Blogger Award." Aw, thank you so much, darling!

Tell us how the idea of making a blog popped up and what makes you continue it?

I wanted to write something about beauty products for about a year or so before I started My Makeup Blog. I read beauty blogs about a year or so before that and one of my friends pushed me forward into opening this blog. At first, it was a lot of work and I had to learn everything by myself (still do, too!) But then, it became fun and it helped me through so many difficulties in my life, namely the thesis writing process and the job hunting pain. I got to make friends during the process and it has been a fun ride for me.

Describe a usual day in your life.

Since I just got a research position in a local university, I am still adapting to my new schedule. Right now, my day starts with me waking up and reading something from my Kindle Fire: the news, my multiple email accounts, Twitter, feed backs from this blog, and a few sites I frequent. That usually takes an hour. Then, I eat breakfast and go to work. Sometimes, I work at home while other days I travel. My schedule is quite dynamic right now. I usually exercise around 6pm for 1-1.5 hours before eating dinner. At night, I work a little bit, watch some TV, and read some books on Kindle Fire again. My day usually ends around midnight as I'm a night owl.

The best collaboration with a blogger.

I am lucky to have so many blogger friends and recently, I have quite a few guest blogging requests. All of them have been fun and I have to say it is my pleasure to collaborate with all of them

The worst collaboration with a blogger.

I have never had any bad experience with a blogger before. I think beauty bloggers are nice and supportive toward each other.

Describe what having a blog means to you.

This blog means a lot to me: it is not just a place where I get to showcase my love for makeup, beauty, skincare, and many other beauty-related topics but also my digital home. Of course, I got into trouble before when people in the scientific community found out that I am a beauty blogger and did not take me so seriously. However, I don't see being a beauty blogger as a problem to my science career as a lot of beauty topics are science related. I can use my scientific knowledge to educate my readers here and in print magazines as well. I guess I am a rare mix of science-beauty and this blog allows me to coalesce these two areas.

And now, here are my 5 nominees:

That's all for today, folks! I hope you'll have a wonderful weekend!

Dao xoxo

P.S: Please show your support by following my blog and subscribing to my feed. Thanks a lot!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Neck-Face Discontinuation Conundrum

Hi everyone,

Since forever, my face has always been tanner than my neck and chest area. If you flip through My Makeup Blog's FOTD section, you can clearly see that. For example, here's a picture to show how my face was darker than my neck:

Yup, face was about 2 shades darker than neck!
Sun exposure plus bronzer around the jawline to contour leads to that discontinuation between the face and the neck. In makeup, there should not be that distinction between the two areas. If the problem was reverse (neck darker than face), the solution is pretty simple: some foundations on the face to even things out. But the face darker than neck problem is harder to solve.

I read literature on this problem and a lot of makeup artists have advised to apply a darker liquid foundation on the neck and chest area. I have seen this on the works of a lot of MAC makeup artists and the results were not pretty. Liquid foundations melt. They also transfer. Just imagine dark liquid foundation transferring to the upper bodice of a white wedding gown. Yuck!

Another method is to get a spray tan to match the color of the chest and neck area to the face. However, not all people can get access to spray tan salons. Some people don't even like tanning per se.

The most viable solution came to me when I watched "America's Next Top Model." I noticed a model had the same problem as I do and the makeup artist for that shoot applied liquid bronzer to her neck and chest using upward strokes. Genius!

I basically glued my eyes to the screen to see the makeup artist using a foaming kind of liquid bronzer without any shimmers. It looked really natural on the model's skin and totally matched her pretty tanned face. This makes sense to me because liquid bronzers usually do not melt away like foundations do. On top of that, they are light and the staying power is good. Now, don't get confused between liquid bronzers and self-tanners. The later clings on to your skin for weeks and some of them have those weird yellowish tints.

So there you have it, the solution to the neck-face discontinuation conundrum. A little bit of liquid bronzer saves the day :)

With love,
Dao xoxo

P.S: Please show your support by following my blog and subscribing to my feed. Thanks a lot!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Shu Uemura in Saigon!

Hi everyone,

Well, technically Saigon is called "Ho Chi Minh City" now but seriously, outside of Vietnam, how many people would call the Capital of the South by that name? Putting my personal pet peeves aside, I tweeted about interviewing someone last Friday. One thing led to another and I found myself standing at the newly opened Shu Uemura counter at Diamond Plaza, one of the poshest shopping centers in Saigon.

I have been a fan of Shu Uemura for a while, especially with its legendary eyelash curler and blushes. After the company pulled out of Sephora, it has been hard to find their products unless you resolve to purchasing them online. I almost broke down and bought a Shu curler during my last trip to China because I was oh so afraid to find a replacement. But fear no more, the Shu counter is not far from my place and the price is comparable to that in the U.S.

I took a couple of pictures of the counter. The address of Diamond Plaza is down below. In case you guys travel to Saigon and want to visit the Shu counter, at least you know where to go :)

A makeup artist's train case full of Shu products
I love, love, love the pretty display. It's so pink!
Another view at the skincare part of the Shu counter. Look at all of those cleansing oil bottles at the back!
There's a different counter. This one is for makeup products
They had a wall full of lashes. I was on cloud 9!
A small part of the makeup artist station. Look at all of those customizable palettes!
I want one. No, I want all!
Diamond Plaza (first floor)
34 Le Duan Street, District 1 , Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam.

By the way, Diamond Plaza probably has almost all of the luxurious beauty brands in the world. I found a Clé de Peau counter there. Also, there's a Salvatore Ferragamo store and a Chanel counter as well. It's a fascinating place to visit.

That's all for now. I have more Shu Uemura makeup stories to tell but they are going to be for another day.

Dao xoxo

P.S: Please show your support by following my blog and subscribing to my feed. Thanks a lot!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Four Reasons to Make the Switch to Waxing

Hi everyone,

We have a guest blogger today. Monica is going to tell us about why we should switch to waxing. I hope you will find this article helpful.


Although many people consider shaving to be the standard method of hair removal, waxing has become much more popular. Check out these four reasons why you should make the switch to waxing today.

1. Shaving leaves skin feeling smooth for only a day or two, and that's if you're lucky. Some people begin to notice re-growth the same day they shave. With waxing, you can expect to be hair-free for three to six weeks. Not only will you experience longer-lasting results with waxing, but when your hair does grow back, it will feel finer. When you wax, you remove the entire hair from the root; shaving merely cuts off the hair at the skin's surface. Because the middle part of the hair, which is the thickest, emerges from the skin first, re-growth from shaving often feels coarser than the hair did originally.

2. Unlike shaving, you can wax virtually any part of your body. Many people prefer to remove facial hair with wax. Since the area is so visible, they don't want to risk getting razor burn or cuts from shaving. Also, as mentioned above, the re-growth is far less noticeable with waxing. You can also use wax to safely and efficiently remove hair from legs, arms, and the bikini area.

3. Waxing doesn't have to break the bank. Although many people view waxing as a luxury salon service, it can actually be more cost effective than shaving. Once you add up the cost of a nice razor, multiple replacement blades, and shaving cream, waxing about once a month may actually be a cheaper option. It also saves you precious time since you don't have to wax daily to achieve a hairless result.

4. For those that lack the time for a salon appointment or simply don't want to have their hair removed by a stranger, waxing at home is a simple, cheap, and easy solution. Apply a numbing cream to the area you're going to wax about an hour prior to waxing to dull the sting. Wax will grip dry hair better than wet, so don't use any lotion prior to waxing. Use baby powder to remove any excess moisture on your skin right before you begin. After applying the wax, be sure to pull it off against the grain of your hair to get the best result. When you're done, exfoliate your skin and apply lotion for a flawless, long-lasting result you'll love.

Author's Biography: Monica Dwyer is an experienced blogger and content writer specializing in the area of health and beauty. She has written this article on behalf of who offer laser hair removal and waxing services in Dublin, Ireland.

P.S: Please show your support by following my blog and subscribing to my feed. Thanks a lot!

Monday, July 9, 2012

I Franken-Polished It!

Hi everyone,

For a while, I have wanted this really light pink nail polish with the texture between a gel and a cream. I searched high and low but could not find it. One was too light, the other too sheer. One was too creamy, the other looked too chalky. It was to a point that I felt like giving up. Why should I try something that doesn't exist, right?

But the thing is, I'm a DIY person. If I can't find something, I'll make it myself. Having mixed some really weird (and intriguing) colors before, I was confident that I could get the color I want by mixing nail polishes together.

I got a silver nail polish with a touch of grey just for fun. I used it once and found out it was not a good color for me. As it was the only white nail polish I could dispose, I decided to mix my obnoxiously pink nail polish with it to see what would come out.

And here's the result:

Tada! The franken-polish!
 It's not exactly what I wanted. The blue in the original white nail polish threw it off. However, what I got is a really beautiful soft lavender nail polish. I saw Britney Spears wore something similar a while ago so this is on trend.

Franken-P and his mama, Lady Obnoxiously Pink
 I mixed 4 drops of Obnoxiously Pink with the entire bottle of the original silver white with a twist. I really shook the bottle up and down. Since the two brands have different formulas, the dispersion rates are not the same. I mixed, rolled, shook, and shook some more to ensure the pink shade was mixed evenly. There's nothing worse than painting your nails with random speckles of colors coming out unmixed.

I took a risk to mix the Odessa with the Nghia O'Beauty and I'm glad it was not a disaster. I tried to do something similar by mixing a mineral-base nail polish with a regular one. As the solvents are different, the two did not mix but they created lumps: the mineral-base np covered themselves around the regular one, resulting in unpaintable bead-like structures that stick to the brush. So lesson learned: if you want to franken-polish your nail colors, please make sure they are of the same kind.

My painted fingers
I currently use this Franken-P on my toes. The shade is so beautiful and it looks so feminine on my toe nails. Strangely, I have no urge to wear dark colors lately. I have enjoyed feminine pastels. But don't worry, as soon as they get pinker and more bridal shower-ish, I would back away. I still can't wear ye ole regular pinks at all!

And life goes on...

Last Saturday marked my 31st birthday. I can no longer call myself a young-un anymore. With a job and published articles and stuff, I feel like an old and responsible adult. Unlike the other years, this year's celebration is smaller (but with lots of food!) I didn't get as many presents but it was still fun.

Last year, I promised to myself that my life was going to be better and that I would be healthier. I did a good job to keep those promises. Looking back, I am surprised at what have improved within a year. I have realized how much I have grown and I am thankful for that.

Another thing: last year, I came very close to shutting down the blog for good a couple of times. This year, so far I don't have such impulses. Life has been good and I am thankful to still have this blog and such a wonderful readership to go with it. And by the way, My Makeup Blog turned 4 on June 30th. I could not imagine MMB to go this far when I started it. I mean, look at all the supports that I have from you guys. This is fantastic!

So thank you all for your supports and love you have been pouring into me and my blog for all these years. And here are some food pictures to satiate your thirst:

Food from the central part of Vietnam
We were so busy eating that this was the only picture I had of the food that day
Me blowing the candles
Look at all the food on the table. We ate, we really, really ate!
If you don't trust me, look at my brother's tummy on the right side of the picture :)
That's all for now. Hope you are having a nice day!

Dao xoxo

P.S: Please show your support by following my blog and subscribing to my feed. Thanks a lot!

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Most Pigmented Red Lipstick I Have: Sweet Cherry by 2B

Hi everyone,

I'm a closet red lipstick lover. This blog pretty much documents my journey of wandering into the area of the reds. The journey began here where I got my first red lipstick from NYX, applied it, took a look at myself and said "Wow, I look...beautiful!" Since then, I didn't stop and I have accumulated quite a few red lipsticks. You witnessed my last handy work with a new red lipstick here not so long ago and let me tell you, that red is gorgeous!

The lipstick is called "Sweet Cherry" from 2B Cosmetics. It was a gift from my aunt in Belgium. I've been looking for more information about this company. Except for the website, I got none. While the lipstick itself is made in Italy, I believe 2B is a Belgian brand. So far, my Sherlockian detective work stopped there and I wasn't even able to find the price of this lipstick!

But anyways, that was all the trouble I got. Here are some pictures of the product:

The lipstick is housed in a cute metal case but it feels light. I think the company is trying to reach to a younger crowd by having a bright pink cap but don't let the packaging fool you. This is the most pigmented red lipstick I have ever owned.

For some reasons, I couldn't get the color right. In real life, the lipstick looks dark red without any brown pigments
Lip swatch: I applied 1 sheer coat and it looked like this. I'm tellin' ya, this lipstick has some insane pigmentation!
After I wiped it away, there's still a rosy stain on my lips
I couldn't help myself but pulling out some of the reds I have and compare with Sweet Cherry

(L-R): NYX Gardenia, NYC Retro Red, 2B Sweet Cherry, Revlon Fire & Ice, MAC Viva Glam Cyndi, Revlon Siren
Skin swatch
NYX Gardenia, NYC Retro Red, 2B Sweet Cherry, Revlon Fire & Ice, MAC Viva Glam Cyndi, Revlon Siren
 You see, NYC Retro Red and Revlon Fire & Ice used to be my two go-to reds because of the intensity. In fact, I didn't think there could be a red lipstick that's redder than Fire & Ice. I was wrong. Sweet Cherry is one heck of a red lipstick. The pigmentation is off the chart and to couple with the fact that it is really creamy for a matte lipstick, I think this one is a winner!

The lasting power is quite decent, thanks to the stains. I could eat a meal and still have some colors on my lips. However, my lips felt dry after I removed this lipstick. To be honest, I don't think you can go lightly on this lipstick: once you apply it, you have a really intense red color on your lips already. Unlike the other reds I have, I don't even need to apply a second coat. Maybe half a coat is all I need :)

However, I love the versatility of this lipstick. I can apply a coat, wipe it away just to get a stain, and apply gloss on top. The stained lips last quite long and the only way to remove it is with an oil-base makeup remover (or a greasy meal!)

Overall, I love Sweet Cherry by 2B Cosmetics. I just hope that there's more information about this company out there. So far, I know 2B is available in some European countries and probably is a drugstore brand. Maybe it's a small new company. My dear European readers, if you can enlighten me on 2B Cosmetics, I highly appreciate it!

With love,
Dao xoxo

P.S: Please show your support by following my blog and subscribing to my feed. Thanks a lot!

Monday, July 2, 2012

P90X Again!

Hi y'all!

After the success of my first round of P90X, I decided to do it again. This time, I up the challenge by doing the Classic workout program instead of the Lean one I did last time (result here.) First day into it and I realized this ain't easy, yo! I know I did it again but P90X is something that doesn't get easier regardless of how many times you do it.

As usual, I feel the need to announce to the world of what I am doing because I know this will keep me accountable. This method has worked so well with me since I started exercising again last year. I am looking forward to finishing this round with some glorious results.

Despite the fact that I was sick last month, I ended up losing about 5 lbs, pushing my weight down to 155-156lb range. However, since I didn't exercise for the most part of the month, I also lost some of my strength :( My goal for this round is to finally see myself at 145lbs with some muscle definitions on my arms. I love me some Michelle Obama arms!

This year, I am going to dedicate myself and let's pray that I am going to end the year at 135lb range. Why 135lbs? My doctor did some calculations and told me 135lbs is my healthy weight where I can set myself free from the trifecta of bad lifestyle diseases. Right now, I got myself off high blood pressure and my glucose level is lowering down significantly. I suspect my cholesterol is lower as well. I'm determined to get to the point where I don't have to worry about these diseases anymore and that's why I'm busting myself up with P90X and other workouts.

How about you? Do you have any plans to work out during this summer?

Dao xoxo

P.S: Please show your support by following my blog and subscribing to my feed. Thanks a lot!


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