Monday, November 30, 2009

Cyber Monday Musings

Hi everybody,

I hope you guys had a nice and restful Thanksgiving. To me, I braved the cold dark morning of Black Friday and got in line at Best Buy to get a new laptop. For those who are my friends on Face Book, you already knew how I broke the keyboard of my laptop (I dropped it!) Until last Friday, I lived in panic of the sudden death of my dear Lappie (yes, laptop has a name.) Because my thesis and other vital things for my survival are inside Lappie, it was time to find a new laptop and smooth over the change of operation.

My Black Friday Best Buy adventure was actually really fun and I did get a new laptop at an affordable price. I hope this new one is going to last as long as Lappie, which has been with me for 5 years and counting.

Talking about irony: when this blog is taking off quite well, I am really busy with my thesis. This time around, I am determined to finish off this part of my journey and close this chapter down in my education life. Of course, this brings joy and fear to me: joy because I am finally finishing the thesis, and fear because I am going to be unemployed pretty soon. I hope the economy is going to improve so that I can get a job. Otherwise, I am going back to school (again) for a PhD.

But wait, we're not done for Monday yet. The GILTY Pleasures weekly blog tour is coming up next. This was supposed to be for yesterday but I was extremely busy. I hope to blog as often as I did last month, but don't be surprise if I don't blog a day or two. I really need to finish my thesis, guys!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
From the editorial team at My Makeup Blog (that means, me, myself, and I)
wishing you a joyful and peaceful Thanksgiving day.
Please drink responsively :)


Image courtesy of
P.S: If you like my blog, please subscribe to my feed. Thanks a lot!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

New Products Alert: EcoTools by Alicia Silverstone

Hi everyone,

So far, the best returns I have in term of product satisfaction when it comes to brushes is my EcoTools brush set I bought earlier this year. The brushes are very sturdy and amazingly soft. I feel gratuitous every time I use my EcoTools brushes (don't you?)

This season, EcoTools and Alicia Silverstone teamed up to create a line of limited edition brushes and bags. Like other EcoTools brushes, the ones in the LE sets are made of synthetic fibers, recycled aluminum, and bamboo. Also, the prices are really affordable.

5 piece brush set ($14.99)
Contains a blush brush, finishing brush, angled eye brush, brow and lash groomer, and an LE bag

Cosmetic brush bag with a blush brush

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab Stalker is Born!

Hello everybody,

While I vouch to myself that I am not going to buy anymore makeup until the end of this year, my eyes have been wandering to the perfume realm. I take pride in the fact that I want to smell nice and dandy. Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, or BPAL to its devotee, has been the ground for my stalking activity these days. My love of perfume started before I began to use makeup and throughout the years, I’ve accrued quite a few bottles of perfumes. However, being a perfumista is a costly hobby, as currently a bottle of perfume hovers around the 65-dollar mark. Also, some of them may contain a vast amount of alcohol, which my skin does not enjoy.

BPAL, on the other hand, produces only pure perfume oil. Starting at $15 a pop, it is considered a bargain as a little dab can go a very long way. On top of that, they let you sample in tiny vials called “Imp’s Ears”, or known as an imp by BPAL lovers. An imp costs $3.50 USD a piece or $19.50 for six. To add more fire to the damage, BPAL has many scents, most are impable, which is the BPAL lingo for sample-able.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Basic Needs Giveaway Winner

Hello my precious!

Sorry for the delay. Today is the day to announce the winner of the Basic Needs Giveaway that I hosted last week. Thirty one of y'all joined in this giveaway and I am thankful for all of you to do so. If I had my way, all of you could have won already. But like many other games, there are many participants but only one who can get the gold medal.

Again, I depended on Random.Org to pick the winner and...

Lucky number 16, you just won yourself a set full of Unilever goodies.
Please come after the jump to see who the winner is!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday Beauty Read: GILTY Pleasures Weekly Blog Tour Vol. 5

Hi everybody,

It's Sunday again, how are you doing? I think I am getting sick, this morning I woke up not feeling so well. The weather has been so horrible lately and I hope I don't get sick anytime soon. The holiday is slowly rolling in and next week is Thanksgiving already! This year, I consider spending some money to get a new laptop as the keyboard of the one I am using is not functioning properly anymore.

The ladies from the GILTY Pleasures blog tour and I have been compiling the best of the best of the week just for you. I hope you'll enjoy this week's blog tour as much as we do.

Alison of The Advice Sisters shares some videos, photos & reports from The ELVIS CRUISE a most memorable experience on the sea!

Lisa of Bridalease is offering a unique alternative where you can escape, get in-shape and give back at the same time.

Dao from My Makeup Blog found her new favorite eyeliners: L’Oreal HiP Color Chrome eyeliners are so soft and pigmented!

Gio from Beautiful With Brains finds a cream blush that lasts for hours.

The Informed Makeup Maven shares her good beauty habit that you should adopt during the winter. Find out what it is here.

Shop great Avon Holiday Gifts at Holiday Makeup!

Beauty and Fashion Tech picks her favorite products for a new shop at the OpenSky Project!


P.S: If you like my blog, please subscribe to my feed. Thanks a lot!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Caress Evenly Gorgeous Giveaway Winner

Hi everybody,

Today is the day to announce the winner of Caress Evenly Gorgeous Giveaway. This is the second giveaway of the month and I feel very good about it. As usual, the winner was chosen by true random number generator. I would like to thank those of you who participated in this giveaway as well as Caress and their PR who sponsored it.

Without further ado, here is the result:

Lucky number 3 is the winner!
And who is s/he? Find out after the jump!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Giveaway Galore: Basic Needs Giveaway

Hello, beautiful people!

Once upon a time, when I started this blog, I always wanted to have giveaways for my readers. Being able to give back is a nice thing to do and I am very grateful to have sponsors who are willing to help me to facilitate these events. As you may have noticed, we had one giveaway last week and another ongoing one that ends at 5pm EST today. On top of that, we are having this new giveaway called "Basic Needs" today. See, I'm looking out for all of y'all and if you want to look out for me, just participate in my giveaways and be my readers. That's very simple, right?

What are included in the winning package:
  1. Dove Clinical Protection antiperspirant: I'm telling you, this stuff is good for people who sweat profusely. You can get this clinical strength antiperspirant at drugstore but it is not as cheap as the other antiperspirants or deodorants. The ingredients are skin-friendly as well.
  2. Dove Extra-Hold hairspray: I love Dove haircare a lot and I'm glad one of you can try this.
  3. Vaseline Total Moisture conditioning body lotion: this is the original Vaseline body lotion. It's not fancy but it does the job.
  4. Pond's cleansing towelettes: this so far is my favorite makeup remover towelettes when I am on the go. Bonus point is I don't need to carry a tube of cleanser back home, which saves me some space for other things I may pick up during the trip.
  5. A box of the new Q-tips: you may even get the winter edition one, which is really cute! I also did a review on Q-tips before, click here to read.
The whole prize package worth approximately $30 and if I were you, I would jump at the chance to join this giveaway. Although they may not be fancy, these basic items can help you survive this winter with ease. Come on, we all need body lotion, hairspray, Q-tips, right?

Please click after the jump to see how you can win this care package. Also, joining this giveaway does not impede your chance to win the Caress giveaway. So join on, join on!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

L'Oreal HiP Color Chrome Eyeliner: So, So, So Soft!

Hello everybody,

Finally, I get to review something this week. Since last Friday, all that happened here were giveaways. In fact, we are still in the middle of the Caress Evenly Gorgeous body wash and bath bar giveaway. If you haven't joined, please click here.

About 2-3 weeks ago, my local Walgreens had a L'Oreal HiP BOGO sale and I gleefully came twice to purchase the new L'Oreal HiP Color Chrome eyeliners. Of course, to honor my Asian heritage, I had to come with coupons. After hearing so many great things about these liners from the big wig bloggers, I decided to get them myself and let me tell you, I made the right decision.

Purchase #1: Violet Volt (L) and Black Shock (R)

Purchase #2: Silver Lightning (L) and Gold Charge (R)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Caress Evenly Gorgeous Giveaway

Hi everybody,

How is your day so far? After finishing my latest giveaway sponsored by Skin MD Natural, I exhaled with relief. Giveaways are always fun and I am glad there was not so much hiccups along the way, although my front page was looking weird for some couple of days. It's back to normal now.

Recently, a kind publicist from Caress contacted me and asked if I wanted to get some Caress Evenly Gorgeous body wash and body bar to review. Since I already did it earlier, I had to decline but asked her if I could use that as a giveaway and guess what? She said yes!

Here are what one lucky winner is going to receive: one bottle of Caress Evenly Gorgeous body wash and two body bars of Evenly Gorgeous body soap.

Although I am very picky when it comes to the things that wash my body, I love this new line of Caress body product. The body wash is very yummy smelling and hydrating and the body bar is soft and smooth without leaving filmy feeling on my skin. If you haven't read my review yet, please click here.

Please click after the jump to see how to join this giveaway.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Some Quick Announcements

Hi everybody,

How was your weekend? Mine was very peaceful and quiet. We even got some free knives and Sunday newspaper yesterday just by being good :)

Did you join the Skin MD Natural giveaway? It actually ended yesterday at 5pm on my turf (Eastern standard time or GMT +5) and immediately after that, I had to close the book and choose a winner. 18 of y'all joined the contest, which was quite alright for a weekend giveaway.

As usual, I relied on to pick a winner for me. Google Docs provided me an Excel spread sheet with time stamp included, which made my life a whole lot easier. I got this idea from Stephanie since she used it for her giveaway as well.

You can see where you are in here
I have to black out some sensitive details such as your email address and last name so you don't get spammed!

And the winner, chosen by, is...

*drum roll*


Congratulations! I will send you an email shortly and hope you will enjoy this lotion as well.
For those who did not win, please don't worry. Another giveaway will come up pretty soon.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday Read List: GILTY Pleasures Weekly Blog Tour Vol. 4

Hello everybody,

It's been a month since I joined this web tour already! Time flies when you're having fun, doesn' it? I hope you enjoy this web tour as much as we do compiling it.

Alison of The Advice Sisters reports on LUCKY SHOPS the biggest, grandest discount shopping event, ever!

Lisa of Bridalease says give Vivabox the gift thatgives twice.

Dao from My Makeup Blog tried the new scent from Bath and Body Works called Twilight Woods and loved it!

The Informed Makeup Maven is giving away two Rimmel Smokey Eye Packs and shows you how to steal Heidi Klum`s look.

Gio from Beautiful With Brains reviews Collistar Eyeshadow Luminous Powder

Have you joined our latest giveaway yet? It's ending at 5pm Eastern Time so please hurry up!

I hope you're having a great weekend so far. Come back on Monday to see who wins the prize!


P.S: If you like my blog, please subscribe to my feed. Thanks a lot!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Skin MD Naturals Shielding Lotion Giveaway

Note: This contest is over, please check back later to see if you are a winner. Thank you for your interest!

Happy Friday, everybody!

Remember my review of Skin MD Naturals Shielding Lotion from last week? Well, the kind folks from Skin MD Natural are giving away one bottle of this lotion to one lucky reader of My Makeup Blog. How wonderful is that?

So, do you want to win a bottle? It's pretty good stuff, I'm tellin' ya!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Big, Bright Eyes with Wet 'n' Wild Idol Eyes Eyeshadow Pencil in Pixie

Hello, everybody,

This start to feel a lot like November to me: darker sky, muggier weather, and grumpier me. Every November, it feels like my world has turned upside down. My motto of this month is "Survive November, Survive the Year!" due to the amount of stress I am under every day. However, I have my little eye, I mean, lifesaver in the form of a chubby eye pencil called "Pixie" from Wet 'n' Wild's new eyeshadow pencil line called "Idol Eyes."

Pixie eyeshadow pencil from Wet 'n' Wild Idol Eyes

As you may have heard, I adore pencil liners. Unknowingly, I have been collecting quite a lot of them. While the high-end ones work, I prefer the cheaper drugstore liners sometimes. Wet 'n' Wild and their cheap 99 cent liners that have beautifully (and ghoulishly) rimmed the eyes of many goth girls and boys for many years, also have chubby eyeshadow pencils. And you know who adores the chubby pencils? Me!

After seeing this beautiful baby, I bought it right at the spot even without the sale. The color is not just plain white but has some pinkish glow in it, which is very lovely. It turned out Pixie is very similar to something I already have: MAC Bare Canvas paint pot!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

E.L.F Studio Eyebrow Kit: Brow Painting Makes Easy!

Hello, gorgeous!

I've been tremendously busy lately and because of that, I did not have time to take pictures, edit them, and write reviews. As a result, I got into this "I have nothing to review" mood that potentially can cause me to spend more money to buy more stuff without taking pictures of them. Lucky me, I remember back in September, I took a lot of pictures of products I bought a loved. It turned out I did spend some time editing them and they are good to go. What a lifesaver, right?

Remember my eyebrow how-to post I did back then? (If you haven't read it, click here to refresh your memory.) In that tutorial, I used the brow kit from NYC because the color matches me the best. However, NYC decided to phase out the Browster and I did not know that. Therefore, I had to force myself to find a replacement before finishing up the beloved Browster.

I've heard about E.L.F Studio eyebrow kit for a while and most reviews are positive. It took me a while to get this kit because of the ridiculously high shipping ($7 USD!) Also, some reviews about E.L.F customer service were not so positive so I decided to wait. I still have plenty of NYC Browster to last me until the end of this year or more and I definitely was not in panic mode.

And wait I did, until I got that 75% off coupon in summer. And shop I did, I bought me some Studio Powder brushes and an eye kit. It was a good day.

The E.L.F eyebrow kit, unopened

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bath and Body Works Twilight Woods: Let Twilight Fever Begin!

Hello, everybody!

Recently, I've noticed the number of products that have the word "Twilight" increases tremendously. I know vampires are the new black this year but come on, Ghiraldelli Twilight Delight chocolate? Really? If my recollection is correct, Edward Cullen does not eat. So who's going to eat le chocolat? Bella? I don't remember her liking chocolate either so really, what's the point?!

Image courtesy of Twilight Guide

However, the genius people from Bath and Body Works were so smart to name their newest scent from the signature collection "Twilight Woods." I can actually imagine Bella Swan wearing something like this. I got a coupon for a mini-sized product and chose the Twilight Woods spray. In store, I could not smell a thing, despite dousing myself heavily with the eau de toilette spray. Perhaps the store had so many strong scents that this perfume did not get a chance to shine.

From Bath and Body Works website:
Master perfumers have blended apricot nectar, mimosa petals, and Tuscan cypress to create this hypnotic fragrance inspired by a romantic walk in enchanted woods.
  • Indulge your senses with our exclusive Twilight Woods, a hypnotic fragrance inspired by a romantic walk in enchanted woods.
  • Fragrance Top Notes: Juicy Berry, Sparkling Mandarin, hint of Coconut
  • Fragrance Mid Notes: Creamy Frangipani, Soft Mimosa, Wet Honeysuckle, Wild Freesia, Apricot Nectar
  • Fragrance Base Notes: Oud Wood, Skin Musk Captive, Vanilla Milk, Warm Woods
  • Indulge your senses with our exclusive Twilight Woods, a hypnotic fragrance inspired by a romantic walk in enchanted woods.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday Food for Thought: Brush Matters

Hi everybody,

Last night I could not sleep so I did what any makeup addict would do: I played with my makeup. During this time, I unearthed my once-upon-a-time favorite mineral blush called "Theme Park" from Everyday Minerals. The color is really gorgeous and suitable for everyday use but for the past year or so, I rarely wear "Theme Park" because it barely shows on my skin, even when I use my favorite Sonia Kashuk flat top blush brush.

However, as I was contouring my face, I thought it was convenient to use the same MAC 168 to apply blush as well (because I am lazy and don't want to clean an extra brush.) The result was quite stunning: not only did the blush showed, it looked almighty bright on my cheeks! I had to use my ELF powder brush, which is a big flat top brush, to blend it out so I did not look too clownish.
And this makes me think: do expensive brushes perform better?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday Read List: GILTY Pleasres Weekly Blog Tour Vol. 3

Hello there, gorgeous!

It's Sunday again and this time around, the ladies from GILTY Pleasures and I gathered around our top posts for your own reading pleasures. It's been a tough week for me, mentally, as I am trying to finish as many things as I can in my writing. On top of that, I caved and wrote a bit for my NaNoWriMo novel. Unlike last year, this time around, the NaNo novel did not sound so difficult. I guess my daily blogging and reading finally paid off. I feel a lot better about this novel and if Heavens allow, I may even finish it on top of the mount of work I already have!

I hope you enjoy this week's read list, which is a bit shorter than the one from last week.

Alison of The Advice Sisters reports on Sheckys Girls Night Out a girl's dream shopping and bonding event!

Dao from My Makeup Blog decided to go rouge with her new Revlon ColorStay Ultimate lipstick in Grand Garnet and guess what? It doesn't smudge!

Holiday Makeup picks out the best Holiday Lip Gifts.

Suzanne at RN Guide to Skin Care reviews Retinol Serums and tells you what to look for in a Retinol Product.

Eye Makeup Guide reviews Eye Shadow Primers a must have for long lasting eye makeup!

Check out Trendy Plus Size Clothes for a run down on all the best Womens Plus Size Urban Clothing.

Also, hope you are having a nice weekend. Please come back on Monday for more!


P.S: If you like my blog, please subscribe to my feed. Thanks a lot!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Beauty Literotica: Looking Younger by Robert Jones

Hello, my gorgeous!

Since last week was Halloween, we did not have "Beauty Literotica", our bi-monthly book review. Did you miss it? This time, I am very proud to review an excellent book by professional makeup artist Robert Jones. It was sheer luck that I found it from the local library and "Looking Younger" is a joy to read.

Looking Younger by Robert Jones
Image courtesy of Robert Jones Beauty

Overall, this is a big makeup book that is suitable for a coffee table display. It contains choke-full beautiful pictures of people that Mr. Jones did makeover. The techniques are very well explained and at one point, I felt like being in a makeup school learning everything from scratch. The tone of this book is pleasant and explanatory with a dash of humor. I felt like he was standing in front of me and explaining various techniques to me.

Two things that stood out from this book are applying foundation to people with multiple skin colors (face masking) and contouring. If you are a makeup artist whose clientele are minorities, you need to read the face masking part very carefully. I did not know the difficulty that people go through when they have many different varieties of skin colors in their faces.

The lady after applying foundation with face masking method

Face masking, step by step

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Skin MD Natural Shieding Lotion: a "Plain Vanilla" Lotion that Works

Hello everybody,

Recently, I got an opportunity to try Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion and I am glad I did. As we all know, my face likes to give me trouble, starting from when I was a teenager. Compared to the previous years, this year my skin is relatively well-behaved but as vain as I am, I want it to be crystal clear. When the offer to try Skin MD Natural landed in my mailbox, I was a bit reluctant because what else can any lotion do for me? I have been trying a lot already and I started to lose hope. Anyways, I decided to try the lotion out of curiosity and I am very glad I took that chance.

Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion

Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion, at a glance, is a "plain vanilla" lotion to me: it does not have any active ingredients such as retinol and feels very lotion-ey. As it is a water base lotion boosted with Aloe vera, it feels soothing. The first day I tried it, I had huge zits on the left side of my face and the other lotions I used did not do much to calm it down. While my face felt oily, my skin did not feel hydrated (and I have oily skin!) The bottle indicated this product is for face, hand, and body so I squirted a drop of it and applied to the zitty area that antagonized me. Immediately, my skin felt a lot calmer but still dehydrated so I applied another drop to my face. After this initial application, I went on with my day and forgot about the lotion.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Going Rouge: Revlon ColorStay Ultimate Liquid Lipstick in Grand Garnet

Hi everybody,

First off, where my girls at? It's been eerily quiet in here for the past few days, what's up, folks?

November is a bit crazy for me as I am in my last leg of completing this thesis. It is painful and some days I wake up not knowing what to do with it. Also, I decided to join NaNoWriMo to get some emotional support for my thesis writing, not to write another novel. (By the way, the one I wrote last year sucked! I should have stuck to what I know best instead of writing about dragons!)

But anyways, today's blog is either about my thesis or NaNo. It's about me and my desire to go rouge (not go rogue like Sarah Palin.) Around this time of the year, I find myself foaming at the mouth whenever I see a red lipstick. If you count the number of times I wear red lippies per year, you can safely conclude that red is overrated in my world. However, I must covet and got a new red lipstick...for my mom (she wears red better than I do!)

Introducing Revlon ColorStay Ultimate Liquid Lipstick in Grand Garnet:

I got a chance to try this lipstick during a BOGO event and I love it. This is a liquid lipcolor and has Revlon's famous ColorStay formulation. Truth be told, I am not a fan of lipsticks, let alone anti-fade ones. The later ones tend to be very drying and if my lips are lightly cracked, they will exacerbate the condition. Also, long wearing lipsticks are a pain in the neck to remove but do not last as long as they claim to be. For a good 2-3 years, not many makeup companies promoted long wearing lipsticks and Revlon became one of the very few companies to offer this kind of product.

And I wonder why. And because curiosity kills the cat, I decided to get me this liquid lipstick to try.

I applied a light coat of Grand Garnet to my lips and the color was very intense. This formula gives me a minute or so to work before it dries up. Once dried, it is hard to fix whatever mistake you make unless you apply more lipstick to cover it up. The color is between burgundy and bright red but it is wearable. To me, Grand Garnet is not really an eye-popping bright color. However, I would not wear it in the daytime as it is an attractive shade of red.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Maybelline New York XXL Extension Mascara: the One that Almost Does Not Make the Cut

Hi everyone,

When talking about drugstore makeup, there is one brand that I consider my most frequent mistake: Maybelline New York. Maybe since my first mascara was from Maybelline, I developed a fondness to the brand despite the lackluster performance of their products. Come to think of it, there maybe 3 or 4 Maybelline mascaras under the sun that I have not tried and they are:
  • Great Lash: you know, the cheap pink tubes that smudge and smear like none o' yo bidnez
  • Define-a-Lash: because I was happy with my Cover Girl LashBlast
  • Lash Stiletto: because I stopped believing in Maybelline mascaras
  • Pulse Perfection: I tried the wand in store and found out vibration for the lashes is not my thing.
The rest of 'em, believe me, I've used, tested, and tried. The regular Volum' Express, Full 'N Soft, and Lash Discovery I even used more than 3 tubs. They all smudged, smeared, and gave me horrible raccoon eyes. And I was a sucker until I discovered my HG mascara ever: L'Oreal Voluminous.

But as they said, "Once a sucker, always a sucker", and this year I found myself buying not one, but two, tubes of Maybelline NY XXL Extension Mascara. I used one and gave another away during the summer blog giveaway! How come?

Because, my love, among the so-so Maybelline mascaras, this one is quite good. Giving its release time was sandwiching between Colossal Volum' Express and Lash Stiletto, this mascara almost did not get any commercial airtime at all!

Maybelline XXL Extension Mascara
(the furry lil' things are Bibi's legs)

This mascara has two ends:

a white fiber end...

Monday, November 2, 2009

SundaySaver: Your Sunday Newspaper Ads Online

Hey ladies,

While blogging is fun, it is not a cheap hobby: to review stuff, I have to get them either from my own money or from somewhere. Lately, I found myself drifting more and more toward reviewing drugstore makeup because (a) we do not have a Sephora in town, (b) since when do Chanel/Dior/Lancome/Clinique/MAC/etc have BOGO deals and such, and (c) some drugstore makeup products do work very well. To add fuel to the fire, I have been practicing the resurrected art of coupon clipping and Sunday ad browsing for deals.

I love reading Sunday newspapers for more than one reasons, but mostly because I love the colored comic strips. Also, there are a lot of fun things in the Sunday issue and I want to support the print business as long as I can. For those who are not into getting their own Sunday newspaper but want to browse the ads, now you definitely can!

Calling SundaySaver, a website that lists weekly sales circulars and Sunday newspaper ads nation-wide. This website contains ad information of a lot of national chained stores such as Target, Walmart, Best Buy. It's also easy to navigate.

To browse the ad of a store (for example, CVS), here are the steps:

1. Go to SundaySaver website,

2. Scroll down to "Pharmacy & Health" and click on CVS logo. It will take you to CVS website.

3. Enter your zip code and voila, you see the latest CVS ads!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sunday Read List: GILTY Pleasures Blog Tour, Volume 2

Hi everyone,

It's Sunday again! This time around, it's the day after Halloween. Did you have fun yesterday? What did you dress up as?

The ladies from GILTY Pleasures and I gathered our A-game blog entries for your reading pleasures. It's a nice compilation of fashion, beauty, makeup review, advice, and even a giveaway. I hope you enjoy reading it!

Alison of the Advice Sisters finds Bobbi Brown's Holiday 2009 Makeup Collection a gorgeous way to dress up your look, or give a great gift, this hoilday season!

Cognac Wellerlane interviews the band Temple Hill at the Feel Good Restaurant and Lounge in Seacaucus, New Jersey.

Lisa from It's a Glam Thing calls T!ntalizea New "Fave Find" it is a concealer for feet that stays on with no rubbing or smudging.

Visit the new Holiday Makeup shopping site from the people at Beauty and Fashion Tech and Girl Gloss!

Girl Gloss reviews the new Luna Twilight Duwop Lip Venom and has swatches.

Dao from My Makeup Blog shows you how to catalog your mineral makeup samples and unclutter your makeup stash.


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