Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Guess Who's the Birthday Girl?

Hi everybody,

There are two important things on my mind today :) Numero uno is to blog Twitter style (140 characters or less.) Here's what I came up so far and the story is real!

Tweet-blog #1:
Heard at Target

A couple searched for makeup. The girl would wear whatever the boy picked. He chose the brightest green eyeshadow ever!

(135 characters with space)
And tweet-blog #2:
The morale of this story: unless you want to look like a clown, don’t let your man pick out your makeup. He knows zip about it!

(127 characters with space)
I guess I should blog Twitter-style like this from now on, instead of writing pages and pages about makeup. It is fast and entertaining, I can churn out entries after entries everyday! And it does not take that much time to blog at all. But the thing is, I am quite loquacious and it goes from being talkative in real life to being garrulous and glib online. Geeze, what a mouth I have, right?

Anyways, guess who’s the birthday girl?


This year, I got a whole lot of gifts to celebrate my early late-twentieth birthday. I took advantage of MAC sumo sale and haul some stuff I wanted for years. Also, Victoria's Secret was kind enough to give me a gift to redeem at any of their stores. I picked a bottle of Secret Charm, their newest scent from the Secret Garden collection. Then, I got a lip tint from C.O Bigelow at Bath and Body Works. I’m quite a fan of C.O Bigelow’s line of peppermint stuff. It’s really addicting.

The loot
Can you name what I got?

This probably may give you some clues :)

Happy Birthday to me, indeedy!

The fact that I’m no longer in my early or mid twenty kind of scared me a bit. While my high school friends are all settled with houses and kids, I’m still pursuing greatness in somewhere that’s nowhere near home. But as they said, “Keep on truckin’!” and that’s what I’m doing these days.

So that's all for today. I know it's a short post because I need to enjoy my day a lot more :) And please don't forget to comment in the last post to win prizes.


P.S: If you like my blog, please subscribe to my feed. Thanks a lot!


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